5 Deadly Marketing strategies for Startup Companies to Quit

5 Deadly Marketing strategies for Startup Companies to Quit

There are Thousands and Thousands of Startup Companies budding daily. How many of them survive at least for a year? What happened to those Startup companies who failed? The very first startup company I started ended up in failure. I spent a lot to develop and got nothing out of that which was quite disappointing. Then I decided to check what I did wrong as I’m not ready to give up.

There are several reasons for companies to sink and usage of improper marketing strategy is popular as well as a common one among other reasons. When we speak about marketing strategies there are 1000s, I just covered 5 deadly marketing strategies for Startup Companies to Quit immediately.

5 Marketing strategies for Startup Companies to not use

Hiring Marketing Companies

Most of the startup companies have a limited budget. They will invest carefully in every segment but when it comes to digital marketing they hire a marketing agency which is offering a cheaper plan. Hiring a wrong marketing agency will give no to few returns. Marketing companies are usually good in customer acquisition. So they invent innovative strategies to trap you as their customer. Hiring the right marketing company will be the tougher and important decision for any startup company. However hiring a new personnel/a dedicated digital marketing team can be demanding and sometimes costly too. Hiring marketing company may be a good choice just read my checklist on How to choose the best digital marketing agency to get an idea of choosing the right marketing company. According to me, if the marketing company offers a standard plan then you should not choose them as the marketing requirement varies from niche to niche. Contact them and ask what kind of support they can do for you. Ask them to share case studies, not their portfolios.

Fake Social Followers

No social network partners with 3rd party websites to get clients for them. So never try to buy followers/likes/shares outside the official sites. These are the direct ways to lose your money. Many companies don’t know that they are buying fake results. You will never get organic results with those fake followers.

fake social followers

The offers from those website selling followers or likes will pretend to be lucrative.

fake facebook likes

Don’t spend even a single penny for buying fake social followers. Buying fake social actions can be considered as the worst of the other marketing strategies for startup companies to not use.

Ads on Social Media

You can ask me whether advertising on social media will give a good ROI. My answer is simple. It depends.

You have to target the right audience while creating the advertising campaign. Document the targeting methods, do an experiment, check results, change the strategy, repeat the process until you get the best results. But do not rely completely on Social Media as we need a decent budget to do an experiment. My choice is to do Seach engine marketing in Google/Bing for better results.

Hire the best digital marketing company

Investing on Display Ads

Everyone loves to get cheaper as well as targeted visitors using display ads. They dumb huge budget and do vigorous experiments. The fact is the usage, as well as the importance of display ads, are not understood by them. Display ads are not for conversions. They are good for branding purposes.


Sometimes, companies decide to rebrand their identity. Rebranding is not an easy thing. From the logo to the website, stationaries to other marketing materials, everything needs to be changed. Rebranding may be equal to launching a new business. So think twice before rebranding.

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Also Read:

  1. Facebook Ads vs Google Ads
  2. What is Digital Marketing?
  3. How to select the best digital marketing company

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